9.26.17 – Felder credited with helping to save Yeshiva Shaare Torah

The Yeshiva World published a story on 9.26.17 crediting Sen. Felder with helping to provide debt relief to Yeshiva Shaare Torah. An excerpt from the story follows:

Thanks to colossal efforts by NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) and NYS Senator Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn), legislation was passed that rescued Yeshiva Shaare Torah from crippling debt. Today, the Karlsburger Rav, Rabbi Yechezkel Roth, publicly thanked Hikind and Felder for their years of hard work on behalf of the yeshiva and the many families that it serves.

As soon as he became aware that Shaare Torah was facing insurmountable property tax issues, which he believed they should be exempt from, Assemblyman Hikind began seeking a solution for the yeshiva. After carefully analyzing the situation, Hikind sponsored a bill to authorize the yeshiva to file for an application for exemption from real property taxes for certain assessment rolls. Hikind’s bill essentially allowed New York City to accept a late application from the yeshiva for certain tax exemptions that dated as far back as 1992. This made it possible for New York City to forgive all outstanding back taxes, fines, penalties and interest which totaled more than $200K.

After Hikind and Felder pushed the bill through both the Assembly and the Senate, Governor Cuomo signed off on the legislation.

– Posted by John V. Santore