9.5.17 – Felder Offers No Statement on Trump’s DACA Action

On 9.5.17, John V. Santore, a 17th Senate District constituent, spoke with Bryan Best, Sen. Felder’s legislative staffer in charge of immigration policy, concerning President Trump’s decision to end DACA after a six month period.

Santore asked if Mr. Felder had a position on Trump’s action. Best said he had not spoken with Mr. Felder about it, but would ask the legislator if he had a position. Best said he would pass along anything he learned, but no further information was provided by the close of business on 9.5.

Additionally, Santore asked Best if he (Best) knew how many New York residents would be impacted by rescinding DACA – in other words, how many NY state residents had applied for a new immigration status under DACA. Best said he did not know, and had no additional information on the matter, but referenced a tweet from Gov. Andrew Cuomo stating that 42,000 New York residents had applied for DACA’s protections.

– Posted by John V. Santore


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