9.7.17 – Felder staffer says DACA is a national, not state issue

On 9.7.17, SD 17 constituent Naomi Rabeeya attended a public event where Sen. Felder was speaking. She asked one of Mr. Felder’s staffers if Mr. Felder had a position on the Trump administration’s actions on DACA. Rabeeya summarized their exchange:

“I was told…that DACA was a national issue and [the] Senator is [a] state [official]. I went through immigrants’ demographics in our district. I said immigrants [are] facing a lot of discrimination. What is [the] Senator going to do? She said [to] email [the office] to ask questions about helping immigrants.” 

While Trump’s DACA decision does represent a change in federal, not state, policy, numerous state residents are impacted by the action.

According to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, 42,000 New York State residents applied for DACA’s protections after the original executive order was enacted.

Additionally, on both 9.5 and 9.6, John V. Santore, also an SD 17 constituent, emailed questions to Senator Felder’s office asking for the legislator’s position on Trump’s DACA repeal and other immigration actions taken by the White House. The emails were also sent to staffers Bryan Best and Avi Fertig. Neither of the emails received a response.

Santore also spoke with Best by phone on 9.5, and asked him if Mr. Felder supported Trump’s DACA action. Felder said he would ask the Senator and would provide a response, but no response was received.

This blog will be updated with any new comments received from Mr. Felder or his staff on DACA or other immigration issues.

– Posted by John V. Santore

2 thoughts on “9.7.17 – Felder staffer says DACA is a national, not state issue”

  1. I emailed Senator Felder’s office twice concerning DACA. Once on September 6th and again on September 10th. Both emails were identical. I have not yet received a response. The subject line is: “Question for Senator Felder regarding our community”. The content of the email is:
    Dear Senator Felder,

    My name is Aaron Wexler, I’m a constituent of yours in District 17. In addition to being my state senate representative (I have voted for you twice), I’m aware you served as city council member and before that a community leader with nearly two decades of public service. Given your extensive experience in being a community leader, I think it’s within reason to inquire about your official stance on DACA considering you represent a diverse district in Brooklyn. Many of your constituents will undoubtedly be effected by President Trump’s willingness to force DACA out of existence. Do you support DACA as it stands as of now? If you could improve DACA in any form of state legislation, how would you do so? Or do you believe DACA should be ended all together?

    I greatly appreciate your time and I’m looking forward to your response.


    Aaron Wexler


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