10.23.17 – Open constituent questions re: local anti-Semitic hate mail, Felder’s approach to immigrant protections, staff list

On 10.23.17, SD 17 constituent Naomi Rabeeya sent an email to State Sen. Felder’s office requesting comment on anti-Semitic hate mail received by Weiss Bakery in Borough Park. Rabeeya also requested information on Sen. Felder’s approach to immigrant safety, and an updated staff list for Sen. Felder.

DNAinfo reported on the anti-Semitic letter in October:

BROOKLYN — NYPD hate crime investigators are looking into who sent letters filled with swastikas and anti-Semitic, anti-black and anti-gay language to the Israeli consulate and least seven businesses in Borough Park, Sheepshead Bay and Harlem.

The letters — which begin with President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” written underneath a large red, white and black swastika — were sent to the Israeli consulate in Manhattan, as well as the Harlem Business Alliance, a Harlem Starbucks and several Jewish-owned businesses in Brooklyn, according to police.

The letter targets Jews as well as black and gay people in four lines of text: Trump’s slogan following by “Juden Raus” (a Nazi-era German phrase meaning “Jews out”), “Negroes and f—-ts must burn in hell” and “Christian identity is back.”

Rabeeya did not receive a response to her email, which is below:

Subject: Protecting Constiutents

From: Naomi Rabeeya <——-@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 4:14 PM
To: felder@nysenate.gov


I am writing as I am concerned about the hate mail sent to the bakery in our district that was anti-Semitic, homophobic and racist. People are feeling afraid…this letter on-top of the anti-immigrant and minority sentiment in our country.

What is the senator’s plan to protect his constituents, many of which are immigrants and minorities?

As you know, state and local politics are strongly tied to national ones and your constituents are looking for your leadership.

Along those lines, may I have a staff list for Brooklyn and Albany, to facilitate better communication in these times? This would help provide reassurance to constituents.

With gratitude,

Naomi Rabeeya

— Posted on 12.24.17, backdated to 10.23.17

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