11.29.17 – Constituent questions on armed guards at schools and speed cameras

On 11.29.17, Ellen Bilofsky, a constituent in SD 17, called Senator Felder’s office to ask about his call for armed officers to be placed in NYC schools, and about his stance on expanding the number of speed cameras on city streets. Bilofsky described what she was told:

I called Senator Felder’s Brooklyn office today, 11/29/17. I told the woman I spoke to, whose name I didn’t get, that I had seen that Sen. Felder wants an armed police officer at every school in the city, and though it was good to see that he was so concerned about the safety of our school children, if that’s the case, why is he against having speed cameras at every school to protect them against speeding drivers as they cross the street? She asked me to hold for a minute. When she came back she said the person I needed to speak with wasn’t in the office, and would I like to leave my name and number. I said I would if I would get a call back, and asked whom I needed to speak with. She hesitated and said there were several people, so she wouldn’t want to mislead me. Or perhaps I’d like to email my comments to Senator Felder. I said Sure, if he’ll read it. She said he reads every single e-mail that comes in to him. So I sent him the following e-mail:

From: Ellen Bilofsky [mailto:———-]
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 3:59 PM
To: ‘felder@nysenate.gov’

Subject: Armed police officers in schools

Dear Senator Felder,

I called your office today, and the woman who answered the phone suggested I put my questions in writing. She said that you read every e-mail that comes in to you, so I am writing.

I read in the paper today that you want an armed police officer at every school in the city. It’s good to see that you are so concerned about the safety of our school children, but if that’s the case, why are you against having speed cameras at every school to protect them against speeding drivers as they cross the street?

Also, I can understand that Yeshivas might want the protection of an armed guard. But why impose that on other schools, such as public schools, who don’t want guns in their schools? Research has shown that arming school officers doesn’t increases overall school safety but does worsen the school environment. There are other things that public schools in our district need more, such as counselors. Full foundation funding for our schools would certainly help!

Isn’t there another way to achieve the needs of all our schools? Perhaps you could consult with parents and educators throughout our district, and elsewhere in the city, before attempting to impose a mandate on every school in the city.

I look forward to your response to my questions and further dialog on this issue.

Ellen Bilofsky

This blog will be updated with any response received.

— Posted by JVS on 12.23, backdated to 11.29

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